Salesforce login, login.salesforce.com -Salesforce.com login : Salesforce login is the process of authenticating resources provided by sfdc.
login.salesforce.com : Salesforce login, login.salesforce.com -Salesforce.com login : In this salesforce tutorial we are going to learn about Salesforce login. Before discussing the basics of Salesforce.com login every one should be able to create an account in salesforce.com so that he/she can use the resources provided in salesforce.com. Now we go briefly what are the methods available to login in to salesforce.com and before logging in to salesforce we have to create a free developer account in salesforce.com. We will be able to learn about these two concepts later first we go through the process of Salesforce login.
What is salesforce login
![Salesforce login, login.salesforce.com](https://www.salesforcetutorial.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Salesforce-login-login.salesforce.com_.png)
Salesforce login is the process of authenticating resources provided in the cloud through Developer account and Production Account with Username and password. Salesforce.com login information contains a user name and a passwords.
How to create free developer account in salesforce.com
Through the URL http://developer.force.com/ we will be able to create free developer account.
Steps to create free developer account in salesforce.com (Salesforce login).
- First you have a valid email Id.
- Login to http://developer.force.com.
- Select Join Now.
- Provide all the details specially valid email and username . Username must be in the form of a valid email format. Ex : ABC@gmail.com.
- Now click Sign me up.
- An email will b sent to you Email address.
- Now activate your account by clicking the link provided in the email.
- The link logs you into the site automatically.
- Now set your password to your account.
- Log out from your account.
salesforce login URL : login.salesforce.com
Enter your User name and Password to login .
Now Read another Salesforce Login article : Salesforce Login.
Read more for Salesforce training tutorials that explains step by step with real time scenarios.