What is salesforce live agent – live agent salesforce : Today we learn about Salesforce live agent. Every one have a doubt that what is salesforce live agent and how can we use this tool in salesforce. We discuss briefly about Salesforce live agent and how to get started with live agent in salesforce.com
What is Salesforce live agent ?

Live agent in salesforce is tool that is used to connect with customer and real time website visitors. Using live agent we can chat with customers so that we can provide fast response and quicker solutions they need.
In salesforce.com live agent tools can connect with customer in two ways they are
- Through Web-based.
- Through text-only live chat.
Salesforce live agent advantages
- We can interact with customers in real time.
- We can chat with customers and website visitors in real time.
- During live chat with customer we can collect information and can be saved.
- Saved information can be used for reporting in future.
Important point to be remembered before customizing live agent in salesforce.
- Live agent must be enabled in our organization.
- Necessary permissions has to be granted by administrator to use live agent feature license.
When discussing with live agent salesforce we will cover many topics on live agent salesforce like customizing deployments, creating deployments, logging deployment activity, customizing chat window, creating chat window, buttons, forms pages and many more.
When starting with salesforce live agent we have to configure some important steps they are
- Enabling live agent in salesforce.com
- Creating skills.
- Creating live agent button.
- Customizing different live agent settings.
- Configuring Deployment settings.