Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

In this Crm Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about the remaining two operations called Delete and Export operation using Apex Data Loader in salesforce. For details about how to insert records using Data Loader, How to Update using Data Loader, How to Upsert using Data Loader and Overview of Data Loader.

How to Delete records using Data  Loader in Salesforce ?

Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

Open Data Loader and Select Delete.

apex data loader

Prepare CSV file and give record ID number to which  the record we want to delete.

apex data loader

Select Object name and browse for CSV which we prepared earlier and select Next button.

apex data loader

Data selection is Successful and select OK Button.

apex data loader

Map the field by dragging the fields shown above and then select Next button.

apex data loader

Select Finish button.

apex data loader

select Yes to confirm delete operation.

Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

Observe the warning message and Select Yes.

data loader delete operation9

Records are deleted successfully and select OK button and open your Studentinfo Tab.

Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

We have deleted Black record Successfully from salesforce.

How Export records from Salesforce to CSV ?

Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

Select Export Button.

Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

Select Object name and choose destination folder to which we want to store CSV file in PC. Then select Next Button.

Select field names to which we want to export fields. Here we selected Studentname__c, Subject1__c, Subject2__c, Subject3__c and course name from Studentinfo__c.

Select Finish Button.

Select Yes.

Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader


We have Successfully extracted total records and open CSV file to view records and fields.Delete and Export operations using Apex Data Loader

Records and fields with column headers with the names given in our previous article is like above.