Creating New Salesforce Application  :– In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about Salesforce App Launcher and How to enable salesforce App launcher. In this Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about Creating new application in and also we learn how open new application in

Creating New Salesforce Applications.

 To create New Salesforce application go to Setup=>Build=>Create=>Apps.

Creating new application

Now click on New Tab.

Creating New Application

Now we have to select the type of the application. We have two types Custom apps and Console.

Creating New Salesforce Application

Creating New Salesforce Application

Select Custom apps and Click on Next Button.

Step 2:-

Creating New Salesforce Application

Creating New Salesforce Application

Here enter the name for Application and description and finally click on Next Button.

Step 3:- 

Creating New Salesforce Application

In step 3 we have to add image for our new salesforce application, Click on “Insert an image” to add new image from documents.

Step 4:-

Creating New Salesforce Application

In step 4 we have to assign Tabs that available to our Salesforce Tutorial application. Select the tabs from available list to Selected list using arrows and now click on Next button.

Step 5:-

Creating New Salesforce Application

In step 5 we have to make this salesforce application visible to every profile in an organization. So click on visible check box to make visible to every profile.

Move from one application to another application.

If we want to open another salesforce application click on down arrow as shown below screenshot.

Creating new salesforce application

Click on down arrow to expand all applications and select the application to which we want to move.

Creating New Salesforce Application

Creating New Salesforce Application

We have successfully created new Salesforce application as shown above.