Approval Process in Salesforce Crm:- In previous salesforce tutorial we learned about Workflow rules and workflow actions. In this crm salesforce training tutorials we are going to know about the Approval Process in Salesforce crm .
Approval Process in Salesforce crm is an automated mechanism that we can set up to process the approval of records with in organization. Approval process enables to specify which user is to approve the record . When working with Approval process in salesforce crm requires some settings after he record is either, first submitted, approved, rejected or recalled for approval. Approval Processes and workflow are similar as both have same actions. we have already studied about actions in workflows .
Difference between Workflow rules and Approval Process in Salesforce crm.
Workflow Rules
- Workflow rules are activated when record is saved.
- Workflow rules consists of single step and single action.
- Workflows can be modified, deleted.r
- In Workflows automatic tracking of history is not available.
Approval Process
- Approval Processes are triggered explicitly when we click on Submit for Approval.
- Approval Processes consists of multiple steps.
- Some attributes can not be modified in approval Processes.
- Approval processes must be deactivated to delete.
- Approval history can be tracked here.
- If the record is set to “locked down” that record can not be changed.
Approval Processes are very important for an Organization because it plays powerful mechanism to control an internal process that to be completed as part of a business process. We must carefully plan Approval processes step by step before creating approval process in salesforce crm.
Important Steps to be taken before configuring Approval process in Salesforce crm.
- Determine how many number of steps and how many number of levels your approval process has.
- Use Microsoft Visio to map out the process.
- Determine the process of Approving the record. Ex. approval through Email or by any other process.
- It is better to create an Approval request e-mail template which is used during approval process.
- Determine who is the approval request sender.
- Determine who will be the assigned approver.
- Determine delegated approver.
- Choose what will be the initial submission action.
- Determine that the user can edit the record that are waiting for Approval.
- Determine that the record is automatically approved or not.
- Determine that which action is to be taken when an approval request is Approved or rejected.