Reading Data from Text file
Example: This scenario is for inserting a file of email ids at a time by reading from a textfile. Here we used apex:inputfile for uploading a file.
In this scenario all the email ids of textfile must be separated by comma.
<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="FileReadingClassxxx"> <apex:form > <apex:inputfile value="{!fileBody}"/> <apex:commandButton value="ReadDataIntoMyObject" action="{!readContent}"/> </apex:form> </apex:page>
public with sharing class FileReadingClassxxx { String fileContent=''; public PageReference readContent() { fileContent = fileBody.toString(); List<string> allemails = fileContent.split(','); EmailSpace__c myemail = new EmailSpace__c(); List<EmailSpace__c> lstemails = new List<EmailSpace__c>(); for(Integer i=0;i<allemails.size();i++) { myemail = new EmailSpace__c(name=allemails[i]); lstemails.add(myemail); } insert lstemails; return null; } public blob fileBody { get; set; } }