List of Fields available in Company Information :- In our previous Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about What is company information. In this Salesforce Training Tutorial we are going to learn about List of Fields available in Company Inforamtion.

List of Fields available in Company Information. provides us some fileds to complete or to fill our company informatiom. Let us see what are the fields that are available in company information.

List of Fields available in Company Information
List of Fields available in Company Information
Fields Description
Address We can enter address of our organization and characters limits to 255.
Admin NewsLetter If we enable this check box we receive promotional emails form salesforce.
API requests, last 24 hours Total number of API requests.
Corporate Currency We can set our quarters currency here.
Currency Local Our local currency can be set in this field.
Country Our Country
City Enter your city name in this field.
Created by This filed defaultly filled with user name which can not be edited.
Default Language This is the default language for all custom fields, tabs, user interface options etc.
Default Locale Default settings determines date formats, time and name.
Default Time Zone To set our Time Zone.
Division Division is the name of the group which uses our services.
Fax Fax number.
Fiscal Year We can enter our own custom fiscal year in this field.
Hide Notices About System Downtime It hides notices about server system down time.
Hide Notices about system maintenance It hides notices about server system upcoming system maitenance details.
Modified BY Modified user details available here.
NewsLetter Select this check box to receive newsletter.
Primary Contact our primary contact number.
Restricted Logins It displays the count of restricted user’s logged in during the specified month
Salesforce Licences Number of licences. Organization ID Organization ID.
State/Province  We can enter our state information here.
Streaming API events number of API used.
ZIP Enter your ZIP code
Used data Space It displays the amount of data used
Used File Space It displays the amount of file storage that are in usage.