This Visualforce page and its Apex controller class demonstrate how to display a dropdown list (also known as a picklist) of account names for selection in Salesforce. Here’s a beginner-friendly explanation:

Salesforce Picklist example

Visualforce Page Code

<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="accPickNamesDisplayClass">
        <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1">
            <apex:selectOptions value="{!accNames}">


  1. <apex:page sidebar="false" controller="accPickNamesDisplayClass">:
  • This defines a Visualforce page.
  • sidebar="false" removes the default Salesforce sidebar, creating a cleaner interface.
  • controller="accPickNamesDisplayClass" links this page to a custom Apex class (accPickNamesDisplayClass), which will provide the data for the dropdown.
  1. <apex:form>:
  • This tag creates a form, which groups form elements together, like the dropdown list.
  1. <apex:selectList multiselect="false" size="1">:
  • <apex:selectList> creates a dropdown list.
  • multiselect="false" ensures users can select only one option from the list.
  • size="1" defines the size of the dropdown. Setting this to “1” means the dropdown will show only one option at a time (a single-select list).
  1. <apex:selectOptions value="{!accNames}">:
  • This tag specifies the options that will appear in the dropdown.
  • value="{!accNames}" binds the dropdown options to the accNames property in the Apex controller, which provides the account names.

This Visualforce page will display a dropdown of account names, populated by the Apex class.

Apex Controller Code

public with sharing class accPickNamesDisplayClass {
    List<selectOption> options = new List<selectOption>();

    public List<selectOption> getAccNames() {
        for(DataLoadTest__c acc : [select Id, name from DataLoadTest__c]) {
            options.add(new selectOption(,;
        return options;


  1. public with sharing class accPickNamesDisplayClass:
  • This defines a public Apex class named accPickNamesDisplayClass.
  • with sharing enforces the user’s data access permissions, ensuring the user only sees records they are permitted to access.
  1. List<selectOption> options = new List<selectOption>();:
  • This line creates a list named options to store each option in the dropdown.
  • Each selectOption object represents one option in the dropdown, containing a display label and a value.
  1. public List<selectOption> getAccNames():
  • This method, getAccNames, provides the list of options for the dropdown in the Visualforce page.
  • Visualforce will call this method to retrieve the options for accNames.
  1. for(DataLoadTest__c acc : [select Id, name from DataLoadTest__c]):
  • This for loop retrieves records from the custom object DataLoadTest__c (which can be replaced with any object, like Account or Contact, depending on your need).
  • The loop fetches the Id and Name fields of each DataLoadTest__c record.
  1. options.add(new selectOption(,;:
  • For each record retrieved, a new selectOption object is created.
  • new selectOption(, creates an option where both the display label and the value are set to the name field of the DataLoadTest__c record.
  • This option is then added to the options list.
  1. return options;:
  • This method returns the options list, which contains all the selectOption objects.
  • These options are displayed as the choices in the dropdown on the Visualforce page.

How It Works Together

  • When the Visualforce page loads, it calls the getAccNames method in the accPickNamesDisplayClass.
  • This method fetches all DataLoadTest__c records, creates options for each record, and returns them.
  • The options appear in the <apex:selectList> dropdown, allowing users to select from a list of account names.

This simple setup is a powerful way to display dynamic dropdown lists in Salesforce, pulling data directly from the database with minimal code.