Wrapper class for displaying the selected records in Next page
This scenario mainly describes the usage of Wrapper class. Wrapper class is used to display different types of datatypes in a single table. In the following scenario, we are displaying Boolean and list datatypes.
<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="WrapTestClass"> <apex:form > <apex:pageblock > <apex:pageblocksection > <apex:pageblocktable value="{!testingrecords}" var="tr"> <apex:column headervalue="Action"> <apex:inputcheckbox value="{!tr.ischecked}"/> </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="Name"> {!tr.TName} </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="City"> {!tr.TCity} </apex:column> </apex:pageblocktable> </apex:pageblocksection> </apex:pageblock> <apex:commandButton value="SELECT" action="{!selRecDisplay}"/> </apex:form> </apex:page>
public with sharing class WrapTestClass { List<string> lstselectedNames = new List<string>(); public PageReference selRecDisplay() { for(wrapper w: lstwrap){ if(w.ischecked==true){ lstselectedNames.add(w.Tname); } } List<Testing__c> lstselectedrecords = [select Id,name,city__c from Testing__c where name in : lstselectedNames]; List<String> lstselectedRecordIds = new List<String>(); for(Integer i=0;i<lstselectedrecords.size();i++){ lstselectedRecordIds.add(lstselectedrecords[i].Id); } string s=''; for(Integer i=0;i<lstselectedRecordIds.size();i++) { if(i<lstselectedRecordIds.size()-1) s=s+lstselectedRecordIds[i]+':'; else s=s+lstselectedRecordIds[i]; } pagereference ref = new pagereference('/apex/t123?value='+s); ref.setredirect(true); return ref; } List<wrapper> lstwrap = new List<wrapper>(); List<Testing__c> lsttest = new List<Testing__c>(); public List<wrapper> getTestingrecords() { lsttest = [select Id,name,city__c from Testing__c]; for(Integer i=0;i<lsttest.size();i++) { lstwrap.add(new wrapper(lsttest[i].name,lsttest[i].city__c)); } return lstwrap; } public class wrapper{ public String Tname{get;set;} public String Tcity{get;set;} public boolean ischecked{get;set;} public wrapper(String Tname,String Tcity) { this.Tname=Tname; this.Tcity=Tcity; this.ischecked=false; } } }
<apex:page controller="DClass"> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock > <apex:pageBlockSection > <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!records}" var="r"> <apex:column headerValue="Name"> {!r.Name} </apex:column> <apex:column headerValue="City"> {!r.City__c} </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
public with sharing class DClass { List<Testing__c> lsttest = new List<Testing__c>(); public List<Testing__c> getRecords() { List<String> ids = url.split(':'); lsttest = [select Id,name,city__c from Testing__c where id in : ids]; return lsttest; } String url = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('value'); }